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Office Based Learning.

Colleagues Working in Office

Our learning environment is primarily based on students being physically present.


Whilst online learning has its merits and is a useful tool for learning Software, it does have its drawbacks. From our own experience we find the best way to learn is in an inclusive environment where students participate and engage with each other in a hybrid office/class environment.


Online learning can be somewhat solitary and frustrating, especially when set with challenging tasks. Having a mentor or peer who you can bounce ideas off and troubleshoot ideas with gets much better results than simply festering alone, struggling to understand how and what you should be doing.


By creating this shared learning hub means software engineering is a much more positive and enjoyable experience and enables students to progress much quicker with less stress and risk of burn out.


The structure of an office environment also enables students to settle within a workplace.


For those new to the world of work, starting an office job can be a daunting task and students are often unsure of what will be expected of them. By having to participate in teams which change often depending on the task at hand, encourages communication with other team members which advances their soft skills set.  


What’s more it enables students to learn independence through travelling to a place of work, dress code, self-discipline, code of conduct and other general work expectations.

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