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Software Learning Fundamentals.


Our tailored roadmap provides a comprehensive learning programme for aspiring software developers to challenge themselves and learn fundamental front-end and back end coding languages, project management skills, content management systems and supporting frameworks.

Fundamentals for front end to build an functioning interface


HTML Hyper Text markup language used to layout websites using Bootstrap

CSS Cascading Style Sheet to determine styling and display content via a static webpage.


Modern client side Javascript for the interactivity and functionality (such as bootstrap) to create a dynamic webpages


Using 2d interface wireframes to focus space allocation and prioritising of content functionality and behaviour











Cron Jobs





APEX Charts

Calling API's

Create API's

Fundamentals for Back end Development.


PHP for backend general functionality such as API’s, pulling and pushing data to a database, reading and querying data, manipulate Arrays and Json Data, server interaction, 


Creating CRUD applications to modify and integrate databases

Creating CRON jobs to schedule tasks to be processed on the server.

SQL for databases such as creating Schemers, maintaining the integrity of the database, creating custom queries and reports


Creating CRON jobs to schedule tasks to be processed on the server.


Using Navicat enterprise software as Graphical User Interface



Using Python to create  mathematical calculations and algorithms for writing files and plotting graphs, organising and querying database.


Using AJAX to send and receive data simultaneously to manipulate DOMs


Apex Charts for displaying dynamic front end graphs and charts on mobile applications and web pages.

Project Management Tools

Content Management and Project Management Fundamentals


Search Engine Optimisation for indexing websites and improving Google search rankings by inserting Meta Tags, keywords, backlinks


Learning Content Management Systems such as Wordpress, Wix, Shopify to design front end dynamic and ecommerce websites.


Project Management i.e. Git for version control, web and code management, team management, bug fixes, merging code, hot fixes, bug fixes

Working with dev ops in using such things as Kanban boards.

Scrum for time frame planning and deploying tasks and sprint management.


Wireframes Using 2d interface to focus space allocation and prioritising of content functionality and behaviour



Advanced Learning






Vue.js & Angular

Node Packet Manager




Fundamentals for Full Stack Development


Node.js is an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications. This allows it to process all of the functions it needs at once instead of in a concurrent model like PHP.


Nest.js is a typescript-orientated version of node which allows us to use libraries such as express to create a HTTP server and query databases and create apis. The advantage of using typescript is it allows for much greater error control within your code allowing you to fix errors before they arise in the runtime. This makes it great for developers who are working in teams allowing them to improve issues that arise from the changing of code in one file that could break something in a separate file.


Angular and Vue.js are frameworks written also in typescript which allows for the team to code in one language which is transferable to multiple others. This is a javascript-based language and so anyone who has some knowledge of this will find it easier to learn than someone who doesn’t.  


Angular and Cue are frontend frameworks which allow for seamless SPA (single-page applications) which enable you to develop your system much faster. This also allows for the division of frontend and backend staff so that your backend staff only need to create the APIs to work with the front-end and the frontend needs to use those APIs to style everything they have.


NPM is a package managing tool used to import and manage libraries within node languages. This allows for them to use utilities that other people have created to make our life easier within the languages. We are able to import them and use their documentation this is used for installing the like of the frameworks we are going to be using.


Websockets are an open connection that clients of a website can connect to allowing for all of the connections to send and receive the data simultaneously. This is incredibly useful for allowing us to create ‘real-time’ applications that are able to use this to provide the data to users as and when they need it.

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